Foundations of Orthopedic Acupuncture: Shoulder Pain: March 2020
19th century Japanese painting by Kuniyoshi Utagawa (1853) of Hua Tuo performing surgery on general Guan Yu.
When you can treat the shoulder you can treat any pain
When we are working with shoulder pain we are solving a living three dimensional puzzle. It is a place where we quickly understand how much can be hidden in such a small area. Ideas that permeate acupuncture orthopedic medicine come alive when working with shoulder issues. Treat above to treat below, treat the front to treat the back are not just words in a book, they are the differences between success and failure. In this class we’ll take our time to weave a path through the shoulder stopping along the way to find all the places where ashi knots and trouble tend to hide. By the end of the class you’ll have worked on all the major areas for shoulder issues.
This is a hands on class. You’ll learn 2 major needling techniques that are critical to good ashi shoulder work, Sparrow Pecking and Softening. Sparrow Pecking is a strong ashi technique that is designed to quickly dissipate ashi points and restore proper flow. Softening does this as well be with a slow and steady opening. In the class we will break down the shoulder into easy to understand regions and step by step examine exactly where you may look to find hidden ashi points. With this knowledge you’ll be able to more fully relieve your patients of pain and restore proper functioning.
You will walk away from the weekend feeling capable in using free hand needle techniques, trusting an elegant three step process in treating pain and making a real difference with your patients. And you will be much better than any “dry needler.” These skills will translate naturally to treating pain of all sorts. Excited to see you.
The methods that I will teach in this class were taught to me by Andrew Nugent-Head. Andrew is an extremely experienced teacher who has spent a great deal of his life connecting to the traditional arts of Chinese medicine and passing on the learning that his teachers gave to him. In turn, I am offering what I have learned to you. For additional information on Andrew Nugent-Head and his Association for Traditional Studies. Here is an article that Andrew wrote in the Journal of Chinese Medicine discussing Ashi work.
This class will be a hands on class. Make sure you wear loose fitting clothes. We will be working with the upper chest, should and upper back. Women should bring appropriate tops or drapes. You are welcome to bring needles with you and we will provide you with a variety of needles to use.
The class will be limited to 10 participants, reserve your spot now.
Please read Andrew’s article on Ashi work.
When: Saturday/Sunday March 21st &22nd 2020 (9:30am-5:30pm/9am-5pm)
Where: 1915 I St NW,Suite 700, Washington DC 20006
Cost: $350, early bird special $300 before Feb 15th, student rate $275
Email or call to reserve your spot.
The class will be limited to 10 participants in order to receive proper individualized attention.
Contact: Todd McCloskey @ 484.995.7877 or